Michael Lucenkiw

Artist . Designer . Researcher . Maker

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En Attendant Nevers <2019>
An interactive locative media project that was installed in Nevers, France, this work guides participants through the town by way of digital clues. A small offline network of wifi enabled microcontrollers were installed on a 1km loop starting with the initial set of instructions installed in the Ravisius Textor gallery. Participants were asked to log in to a network hosted on an ESP32 based microcontroller and locate a webpage that provided instructions for locating the network hosted on next ESP32. Participants would login using any wifi enabled device, but most likely a cell phone. The last network served a page of information that included a prompt to press a button. Complying would reward the journey by activing a TV locating in shop window that would turn on and play a short video clip. This work was co-developed with Shawna Jean Doherty. The work was inspired by a lack of easy access to wifi in central Nevers and providing an alternative, low tech information access system. The work was created while at Nø School residancy.

Detail of initial access point in the gallery

Framed access point mounted to the wall.

First Login screen providing narrative content and directions.

Second screen of content and directions

Holding a phone up to the last log in access point.

The shop window with TV not active.

The shop window once the TV was activated.